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My book
is here!

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It will cause you to stretch and at some points even fatigue you while experiencing the stories that I have collected through my childhood. Some will make you laugh, others will scare you and maybe even make you cry but that is what will keep you engaged.

To most people dyslexia is invisible. Through the design of this book and the techniques that I have used by manipulating typography in a chaotic sense you can get an idea of what the invisible may look like. Do not be discouraged, it is my intention for a little more effort to be used than usual for this read.

A few things that will help you enjoy the My Dyslexic Life experience.

If the text is not legible it isn’t meant to be read. The crash type affect is used as texture but also to remind you of the difficulty a dyslexic person experiences while trying to retain information that is written.

All stories start at the top left, columns for ease of use and most of the quoted phrases are color-coded to represent different people. A single color has been assigned to the person specifically and it will stay that color throughout the entire book. I have prepared a key for reference if needed.

If you see a QR code or a link use your phone and scan it it will take you to multimedia option and help with the experience. I hope you enjoy my book and possibly gain insight that is helpful for yourself, students, our loved ones on what it is to live a dyslexic life.

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